sestdiena, 2012. gada 15. decembris

Summer Eurotrip+

There are some people that like to enjoy life in different way than world expects- because they like something else or because they just want to differ from others. Although we can never know, what world expects. In that case you can spend all your life trying to be different or just enjoy life the way you like. Then you definitely always will be distinct. 

There are two awesome Latvian students Alma and Laila who lives the way they want, enjoys life and are special and differs from other, furthermore they are akin and believe that life is full of opportunities and are not afraid to use it. 
Don't believe? Ok. 
Alma did travel to London alone just to see Watsky's concert, lived at couch-surfers; she went  Riga- Tartu, Riga-Palanga by bicycle etc. Laila  also did road-trip alone round Latvia, has climbed Mount-Blanc, Mt Elbruss and other mountains. They both has done bungee-jumping, made road-trip near Latvia see border with few friends, went to Mt Matterhorn in Switzerland and so on. 


Planning this trip we did set the goals:

1. To see ocean or see (other than Baltic see the coast we have home. otherwise that would bee too easy).

2. To spend most of money enjoying countries, their culture, people we are going to visit. So we are going save money on accommodation and use couch-surfing and so we will meet more people from different countries and enjoy real life (not the one that's made for tourists). 

3. For travelling use hitchhiking In that way we will save even more money to make trip more longer and see as much as we can.

4. Ask help to the locals before and during the trip to send us some pictures with beautiful, interesting and special places we should see but which are not mentioned in regular tourist guide-book (such we can get on our own, that's nothing special or different ) to decide what we have to see at every stop.

And here's what came out.. 

1. Riga, Latvia- Praha, Czech Republic. 

As Alma will have been in Praha for semester as ERASMUS student, we are going to live at her new friends and hang out for one day. 

2. Praha, Czech Republic- Stuttgart, Germany 

In Stuttgart we are going to stay for night and visit places that locals will have suggested and some of our own wishes, for example, Johanneskirche. 

3. Stuttgart, GermanyBodensee lake, Germany

To not visit the Bodensee (Lake Constance) in the northern foot of Alps and is situated in three countries would bee just foolish. 

4. Bodensee lake, Germany- Geneve, Switzerland

In Geneve we are going to use couch-surfing and enjoy as much activities as possible, including local's suggestions. 

5. Geneve, Switzerland- Lyon, France

In the capital of gastronomy in France we also will use couch-surfing and have an awesome night enjoying everything that the city will offer! Let the party begin! 

6. Lyon, France- Montpelier, France

In Montpellier it is absolutely necessary to see the Mediterranen sea. And also having fun with couch-surfers! 

7. Montpelier, France- Andorra la Vella, Andorra

The microstate in Pyrenees with highest capital of Europe! Must see as much as we can! Staying in Andorra for a day. 

8. Andorra la Vella, Andorra- Barcelona, Spain

The football city. Ofcourse it could be great to see same game but only if the season will be on. Otherwise we will se some small football club game but the purpose is- to get in the great stadium! And spend time with couch-surfers. 

9. Barcelona, Spain- Valencia, Spain 

Everything is new, exotic, exiting, enjoyable! Architecture, people, night life etc. Hoping that locals will show how's everything going on. 

10. Valencia, Spain- Tarifa, Gibraltar

Tarifa is the key to get across the sea strait to the Marocco. It is excelente point from which to set-off to visit Africa. And even more- there is beach and dreamland of kiteboarding! Should try..?

11. Tarifa, Gibraltar- Tangier, Marocco

We made it! We are in different continent. 

12. Tangier, Marocco- Casablanca, Marocco

Final destination! 

After getting in Casablanca we are going to spend few days there, travelling around and visiting all we can. No hurry, no pressure, no plans. Just enjoy everything that's going on. 

12. Tangier, Marocco-Tarif, Spain-Lisbon, Spain

Beginning of our way back home but before we are going to see last country of our journey. Staying for one night and then- bask to Riga by plane! 

Hope to see some of You in Riga once! We also have a lot to see! 

The journey will last from 15 to 20 days (it depends on the efficiency of travelling from one city to other by hitchhiking). 


  • ship Tarif-Tangier-Tarif  ~100£ (for two persons)
  • flight from Lisbon, Portugal to Riga, Latvia  ~400£ (two persons)
  • All other money is going to be spent for food and every action that we are going to enjoy and for every place that we are going to visit. The money is going to be divided in 12 equal amounts for each part of the journey. So we will try to explore places that ar free of charge or cheap but not less noteworthy. 

I hope that @izoalma @VilhelmsM @MartinsZvidrins @martinsvingris @puunis_jaagulis  also will try this awesome opportunity! Wish luck for everyone and hope that we will get the chance to carry out our plan! 

svētdiena, 2012. gada 9. decembris


Ja zini kādu, kuram tas var noderēt, priecāšos palīdzēt.

Veiksmi mums un Jums! 

Gada mierīgākais laiks.

Apmaiņā pret invenāru tiku pie colas, kura glābj manu embrioloģijas vakaru. Šis priekšmets manu interesi spej noturēt ļoti īsu laiku, tāpēc esmu spiesta izdomāt veidus, kā to padarīt interesantāku. Ja Tev ir pieredze, gaidīšu ierosinājumus. Esmu gatava izmēģināt jebko.

Baltā krāsa rada ilūziju, ka kļuvis gaišāks, un lailai tas ļoti palīdz [gandrīz tik pat labi kā sarkanais diedziņš], bet līdz ar to nāk arī grābšanas un kampšanas laiks, kurā visos veikalos cenšas pierunāt pirkt krāmus, kuriem nav vispār nekādas vērtības. Grūti saglabāt dāvināšanas prieka patieso ideju [pat ja tai ir sasodīti reliģiska izcelsme], ja materiālajai pasaulei tiek piešķirta tik liela nozīme.

Jaunā gada plāni ir grandiozi. Un tās pat nav jaunā gada apņemšanās, kuras centies izpildīt pretdabiski sev uzspiežot lietas, kuras nekad neesi darījis. Šoreiz katrs no check list punktiem tiek gaidīts ar milzīgu nepacietību, un realizācija sākas jau tagad, nevis pirmajā janvārī. Beigu beigās- katra diena ir pietiekami laba, lai sāktu lielas lietas. 

Veiksmi mums un jums! Mēs izvirzamies finiša taisnē! 

otrdiena, 2012. gada 4. decembris

Logs jau ir vaļā.

Man patīk. Skatos iedvesmojošus video.
Ja gribi man kaut ko uzdāvināt Saulgriežos, tad iesaku lampiņas- man griestus gribas padarīt vēl zvaigžņotākus.

pirmdiena, 2012. gada 3. decembris

we will meet in the corner

I'm done of trying help those who think they are great by their own. Cause in the moment I needed help, they just spit in my face and say- "sorry, I need to fix myself and I don't give a shit about what's going to happen with you- for aught I care you can die, and I won't even noticed that. I just want to fuck by bitches and enjoy that in this world are people who think I'm the king." 

I thought so too. I did believe. I did stop the train so you can jump in and get back in the life. Although you did jump in but pushed me out of it. 

But as what you wanted- I am dead. And I don't care if you will live all your life feeling guilty- cause that's exactly what you should. 

That's it. I'm done. I'm leaving all of you right now in my mind and as fast as I can in every other ways. Train has left. 

/by unknown author/

svētdiena, 2012. gada 2. decembris

limbisko sistēmu nevarot trenēt.

Ar Piparu šodien veicām adventas pušķošanu mājās.
Lūk, kas sanāca. 

Ja gribi mierīgu vakaru adventas noskaņās, atbrauc. Uzvārīšu Tev liepuziedu tēju, pacienāšu ar cepumiem un ļaušu ar Piparu sēdēt pie kamīna. Vārdu sakot, tieši tas, kas vajadzīgs pirms darba nedēļas- pilnīgs miers. [drīksti atvest piparkūkas]